{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "county_san_mateo_address_locator", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Forward and Reverse Address Locator and Geocoder with street intersections and lookup by Active Parcel Number. Not configured for: PO BOX, APO, FPO, DPO, RR. countygis@smcgov.org", "description": "Forward and Reverse Address Locator and Geocoder with street intersections and lookup by Active Parcel Number. Not configured for: PO BOX, APO, FPO, DPO, RR. countygis@smcgov.org", "summary": "Forward and Reverse Address Locator and Geocoder with street intersections and lookup by Active Parcel Number. Not configured for: PO BOX, APO, FPO, DPO, RR. countygis@smcgov.org", "title": "county_san_mateo_address_locator", "tags": [ "Geocoder" ], "type": "Geocoding Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Tool", "Service", "Geocoding Service", "Locator Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "", "url": "http://gisappprod01.isd.sanmateocounty.ads:6080/arcgis/services/ISD/county_san_mateo_address_locator/GeocodeServer", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Information Services Dept / County GIS", "licenseInfo": "Open / Limited" }