Description: Baseline Sea Level (Plus FEMA 1% Storm Hazard Area), from Our Coast Our Future, used in San Mateo County Sea Change Vulnerability Assessment
Description: Lowlying areas potentially inundated from storm surge, with 1-Foot Rise in Mean High High Water level, from the Adapting to Rising Tides study.
Description: Lowlying areas potentially inundated from storm surge, with 2-Foot Rise in Mean High High Water level, from the Adapting to Rising Tides study.
Description: Lowlying areas potentially inundated from storm surge, with 3-Foot Rise in Mean High High Water level, from the Adapting to Rising Tides study.
Description: Lowlying areas potentially inundated from storm surge, with 5.5-Foot Rise in Mean High High Water level, from the Adapting to Rising Tides study.
Description: Lowlying areas potentially inundated from storm surge, with 6.4-Foot Rise in Mean High High Water level, from the Adapting to Rising Tides study.